Practical matters¶
The course is led by Dr Jack S. Hale.
Teaching Units¶
The course in the winter semester 2024 is officially scheduled within in the timeslot on Wednesdays 1300-1500. Following the new rules set out by the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs and the guidance from the Department of Mathematics, the actual course will be taught continuously from 1315-1445 for a total of 2 TUs of 45 minutes.
Attendance policy¶
As the course contains a significant practical component, attendance is mandatory. Up to four TUs can be missed without penalty. Further absences will require a meeting with the instructor and/or the study programme director.
This course is accredited within the Department of Mathematics Masters in Mathematics for 5 ECTS. It is also available to doctoral candidates in the Doctoral School in Science and Engineering. Doctoral candidates must undergo the same assessment (exam and coursework) as the Masters candidates to receive the 5 ECTS.
Assumed knowledge¶
The theory component of the course will assume only a familiarity with PDEs, vector calculus and basic undergraduate analysis.
The implementation part of the course additionally assumes some ability to program in a high level language (for example Python, Matlab, Java, C or C++). The implementation language will be Python, a very high level and simple language with similarities to MATLAB. Students who are not familiar with Python will need to acquire some familiarity with the language, for example by doing one of the suggested tutorials.
The modern practice part of the course will build upon knowledge from the theory and implementation part.
The theory part and modern practice part of the course will be assessed by a written exam in the standard examination period worth 50% of the final mark.
The implementation part of the course will be assessed by submission of your working code implementing finite element in two dimensions. This will also be worth 50% of the final mark.
A retake exam is possible if the coursework component is passed, otherwise the entire course must be retaken.
Submitting code for feedback¶
The assessment of your finite element implementation will occur in a single submission at the end of the semester. However feedback on your progress will be available during the course. Informal feedback will be available during the in person labs, and you will have the opportunity to submit your code for formal feedback twice during the semester, in weeks 7 and 13.
Important announcements and the coursework submission will be conducted via the University’s Moodle. Please ensure you are enrolled in this course on Moodle!